Opponent is in seated butterfly or on back (steps will assume on back) and you are standing with on leg between them (their legs are most likely trying to hook behind your legs)
- Grab their lapel straight (right hand would grab their left lapel) and your other hand grabs low on their pantleg
- Push down with the hand grabbing the foot and pull with the hand grabbing the lapel
- if they have a hook on your leg, straighten leg then bend knee forward to break their hook
- Take a small side step with the outer leg and Kick the inner leg (that was hooked) straight up at the ceiling and move to the opponent’s side (towards the hand that is grabbing the foot)
- As you move your arms should cross themselves, move the leg that you kicked out to the arm grabbing the leg and get side control
Variant: Back take
- often times opponent will turn away from you, use this opportunity to do a backtake, your leg that you moved to your arm, should follow them turning away from you for a backtake