Gi: Opponent Standing, Single Leg Sweep and Foot Lock
Single Leg X sweep: Opponent standing, and you’re bufferly-ish
X Guard Setup:
- Go shin to shin across and make sure your foot makes a strong hook (Right leg on opponent’s left leg)
- Wrap your arm around the same, leg, overhooking it. Make sure it is deep and the leg is at the bend of your elbow. Grab your own lapel
- Lean away from the opponent on your hip
- With the leg hooking push/kick up to get your foot around and on opponent’s hip
- Get other foot on opponent’s thigh
- Bend knees (also make sure to keep the over hook on opponent’s leg)
- Raise hips and turn away from opponent/opponent’s center
Alternative: If opponents squats down or grabs your lapel
- Foot on thigh goes to opponent’s other leg
- Foot on hip goes on other leg so it’s make an X around opponent’s other leg
- Push so legs are split apart
- Turn hip towards opponent and use foot under opponent’s leg to try and turn opponent
Foot Lock:
- If you did the alternate sweep you will need to move your upper leg on opponent’s hip
- Make sure your arm is close enough to the ankle
- Hide elbow my making sure you are on your side/shoulder
- Use the foot on the opponent’s hip to bridge your own hips
- Make sure as your are bridging your arms are following your body
- Turn your wrist like you are starting a car