From turtle: the sit back with seatbelt, the grabing one arm and rolling over

  1. Move a hand off the side

  2. Grab the hand

  3. Roll over?

  4. Establish Seatbelt

  5. Slide knee in between arm and leg

  6. Sit up and to the side

  7. lock leg around arm

From back: stuff one arm, go to other side, let opponent slide over bottom leg

  1. Right hand grabs opponent’s left, Left hand grabs opponent’s right
  2. stuff opponent’s hand and trap it with your foot
  3. Let go of your hook in your other leg to allow opponent to slide over
  4. Lock your legs around the trapped arm

Cruscible defenses:

  1. turn to be parallel to opponent snake up, place knee on opponent’s thigh and pull arm out

  2. Place elbow in between you and opponent

  3. Snake up to opponent

  4. Place knee on opponent’s thigh

  5. Pull arm out

  6. Turn and scoot towards opponent

  7. Get leg under on of the crucible locking legs (kinda in between both legs)

  8. Then scoot away (opponent’s hips should follow you somehwat)

  9. Pull leg out

  10. Punch other arm free (or grab thigh and kick downwards to help)

  11. Turn to mount/face opponent