Breaking Half Guard

In half guard, chest to chest (similar to side control) underhooked head for head control and underhooked arm

  1. Hand that is underhooking arm goes out past opponent’s head and plants on the mat like a suction
  2. Switch head position so your head is on the other side of opponent’s head (your head is acting as a wall so opponent can’t turn towards you). -so on one side of opponent’s head is your head and on the other side is your arm
  3. Use your head as a pillar/post and get on your tip toes and tip toe the leg in the guard up so guard falls below the knee
  4. Bring your knee to the ground and try and free it
  5. you can use your free leg to help pry it free
  6. with hand that was/is underhooking head, grab opponent’s shoulder/elbow and bring it up to put your knee in there to establish side control

North South Kimura from side control/step 5 of previous step

  1. Arm fishes in the space of opponent’s arm to create a space for knee to come in
  2. Knee (that is closest to opponent’s head) goes into the space and goes down, pinning opponent’s hand with your knee
  3. Windshield wiper on your opponent’s arm
  4. Step leg not pinning opponent’s arm on opponent’s side (knee should not be down and will be up along opponent’s back)
  5. Establish a Kimura grip on opponent’s other arm
  6. Pull arm up so opponent is on their side
  7. Get their arm at a 90 degree angle and slowly turn their wrist towards their hip